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Formula for Success

Formula for Success

Most people who want to change the world don’t pursue chemistry as a means to do that, but Shivani Brahmbhatt ’24 knew that this was the path for her. Inspired to help others through her love of science, she pursued her dream and as a result, she helped herself as well.

Brahmbhatt says her transformation from someone who used to be unmotivated and unsure of herself, to a confident adult with goals for her future is no accident. The guidance and education she received while a student at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 gave her the support she needed. She’s currently weighing several offers to work as a chemist and is planning to pursue a master’s degree in organic chemistry in the fall.

A lot of young people are questioning whether they should even go to college. What made you decide to pursue your degree?

"Coming from a family of doctors, and with my father being a scientist, I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in science, though I wasn't sure which field. I vividly remember sitting in the beautiful chapel during my first week and realizing that chemistry was my calling. The fantastic faculty made my journey to becoming a chemist an incredible one."

How did you decide upon vnsr威尼斯城官网登入?

"A friend of mine told me about vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, and what intrigued me were the abilities they emphasized. I knew that if I wanted to achieve something significant, I needed to be surrounded by strong, resilient women. Being accepted into vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 meant a lot to me because it placed me among inspiring individuals, marking the beginning of my journey."

Why do you think it’s important for women to get an education?

"College empowers you with education, making you valuable to the world. The more you study, the stronger your skills become. To change the world, start by learning about it. An educated woman can live independently, care for her family, and inspire others to pursue their dreams. In my opinion, the most powerful human is a woman who builds herself from the ground up, who is armed with knowledge and who is resilient."

Who were you when you first arrived at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, and who are you now?

"Before I came to vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, I struggled with finding purpose, which in turn affected my confidence. After attending vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, I gained the confidence to stand my ground, have a clear vision of my goals and realize the impact I want to make on the world. My journey isn’t just about acquiring knowledge; it is also about embodying kindness, wisdom and humility."

How did vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 play a role in shaping you?

"At vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, I discovered my purpose, which opened many doors for me. My initial motivation was to help women who are victims of acid attacks in India. To do this, I needed to understand chemistry and the properties of chemicals. During my journey to become a chemist, I found my love for cancer dyes. As my knowledge grew, so did my ability to make a difference. I synthesized fluorescein — a fluorescent dye used in several diagnostic procedures — at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 and I gained the confidence to propose its importance to the chemical industry. For my internship, I manufactured and sold about seven tons of fluorescein dye. I first synthesized this dye under the supervision of Tracy Thompson, a professor of physical sciences. None of this would have been possible without the education and great mentorship that Tracy provided."

Is there any advice you would give to a young person trying to decide whether college is worth it?

"Why should you come to vnsr威尼斯城官网登入? The answer is that this place changes you. You will meet the best version of yourself and discover who you are meant to become. As a scientist it is my job to improve the quality of life for our generation. To do that, I need to have a team of strong women who share similar views. Get educated, apply your skills, and make the world a better place for future generations."

Is there anything you’d like to add?

"My professor, Tracy Thompson, once said, “It’s not I, it’s we.” Those words stuck with me because nothing happens alone, even chemical reactions rely on each other as do we. At vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, you’ll meet other driven individuals who share your passion for making a difference; I learned that great achievements are never accomplished alone. Together, you can create plans that make a real difference in the world. To do this, you need a team, and to build a team, you need trust. Earning trust requires standing your ground, and vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 equips you with the abilities to think outside the box and lead effectively."

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